Once again, the southern border has come into a media focus, as far as conservative media is concerned. There are some topics that just need to be repeated and fentanyl along with the drug cartels falls into that category. As much as this subject has been covered, you would think the Biden Administration would step up and if not admit they have fumbled the ball they would at the least offer a working plan. They have done nothing. This inaction I believe only strengthens my thoughts from months back. The Biden Administration does not care about the drugs that come across the border nor the One Hundred Thousand plus that died last year because of these drugs, nor do they care about the incredibly young girls, some as young as ten years old, that are repeatedly raped by the drug cartels. It was brought to the attention of the conservative news media, by ranchers, landowners, and law enforcement along the border that the cartels are hanging the panties of these young victims on trees as trophies. You will not see that on the alphabet news stations. We have an administration led by, well I am not sure who is pulling the strings in Washington right now, who only see these victims as a tool; a tool to use along with the school shooting victims to pull on the heart strings of those who had nothing to do with the shootings resulting in a feeling of guilt and sympathy and causing a need of going along with their plan to ban guns for the sake of the children. If they cared about the victims and families, they would not make the focus on the need to ban guns right out of the gate. If they were really concerned, they would immediately start hardening our schools making them safer to prevent these hideous events from happening, and act on the red flags that have been waved in the face of law enforcement at most every shooting. Our woke generation has made it so shameful to mention someone’s possible mental weaknesses that no one wants to step out and highlight problems before these shootings occur. The ever so large surge coming across the southern border is only for one reason, to strengthen the democrat vote. The powers in Washington could not care less about the plight of those crossing the border. The silence surrounding the events that result from the crossings prove that point. Their anticipation of landslide elections from the hundreds of thousands of immigrants transported to various points around the country and putting them out shows there is no plan other than getting them here.

The question is; what can we do to preserve America and the traditions that has made America a great nation? Years and decades past we were respected and feared as a strong nation. Today, we are laughed at as witnessed on foreign television.

No Real Reason For Oil Cost Increase

When Russia invades Ukraine we might even see prices higher than predicted here. For those who disliked President Trump so much let me remind you, that as you will read here, oil had dropped to below $20 per barrel. The last paragraph talks about a gas tax holiday. It doesn’t give any details but know this, it will not work. Current oil is $90+ a barrel. If the cost goes down to $75 a barrel the democrats will take credit for lowering the price of gas to the consumer but remember just less than two years ago it was under $20 a barrel. https://m.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/gas-prices-may-soon-hit-7-per-gallon-warns-expert_4286827.html

Who’s Paying The Price

There was a Facebook post earlier today giving the numbers of COVID infected people in North Georgia, but also giving the breakdown of vaccinated vs un-vaccinated. The post was finished up by the doctor saying it appears the Omicron is on the downhill slide. Yes, it appears to finally be going away, but wait, there is another variant already upon us and just in time. Thank goodness, I know those in charge would really hate for our children to be able to go to school without wearing a mask, to be able to sit at a desk without the plexiglass cage around their desk, for the increased percentage of teen suicide to level off and start to decrease. What those in charge fear most, is the children will enjoy freedom from confinement, to start living a normal life and, be more resistant to their constraints in the future.      

Their motto seems to be: Once you got them don’t let go.

Here’s an interesting thought, what if there has only been one variant, and they just keep renaming it as it grows weaker? While I am certainly no scientist, it seems odd that every variant [so far] is weaker than its predecessor, doesn’t last as long and the symptoms aren’t as strong as the last variant.

Pray for normalcy in our lives and especially for our children [They] will be the ones to pay the biggest price.

Democrats Can’t Loose

I have stated in past FB Post the Democrats are perfectionists at setting a situation or event that no matter the outcome they come out as winners. The most recent is the election rules recently passed in Georgia. Stacey Abrams(D), who is at the forefront of mail-in ballots recently commented on Twitter;

Republicans who passed and defended Senate Bill 202 did so knowing the economic risks to our state. They prioritized making it harder for people of color to vote over the economic well-being of all Georgians.

She did this while at the same time “praising Major League Baseball’s decision on Friday to pull its 2021 All-Star Game out of Atlanta in response to recent changes to the state’s voting laws. This article “MLB commissioner decided to move All-Star Game after pressure from Stacey Abrams . https://www.foxnews.com/politics/stacey-abrams-urged-mlb-commissioner-move-all-star-game On April 2nd she made a post saying “Disappointed @MLB will move the All-Star Game, but proud of their stance on voting rights.” For Stacey, a win no matter the outcome, had they not moved she could show where she pressured the commissioner and if they did move she can take credit. The baseball commissioner Rob Manfred, did move the game but at the same time has secured a deal with the Chinese Communist company Tencent. Copy and paste foxnews.com/us/mlb-georgia-tencent-nba-Hong-cong. Why would an American sports association punish a state for making changes to a voting process and crawl in bed with a country that has the worst record for human rights? A country who for 2000 years has practiced female infanticide. An article by Human Rights Watch www.how.org/world/report/2020/county-chapters/global outlines the atrocities China’s citizens endure at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. It seems the Democrat Party along with MLB is more concerned with keeping China happy than keeping Georgia’s and America’s best interest as their main focus. It also seems the Democrat party is not concerned with their voter base other then securing their vote but only interested in one thing; complete and total control over Americans

Democrats Failed Attempt to…

Last night I had the opportunity to listen to a recording of Rep. Adam Schiff read the transcript of the whistleblowers letter that started this most recent move to impeach President Trump. Wait, did I say whistleblowers letter, I apologize, that’s not what he read at all. What he read was a completely made up letter that he would have like to have been real. When the real transcript was released and the Democrats realized there wasn’t nothing there and they had jumped in front of the train making a fool of themselves they had to make up something.

Come on democrat voters when are you going to open your eyes and see that it is Your Party that is making a mockery out of this country not President Trump. I’m not saying vote republican but I am saying stand up and hold the obvious delusional democrats that are in office to the high standards you say President Trump should display. Don’t criticize one person and not criticize your side for being more offensive. To read a completely made up transcript is the most insulting display of lack of judgement a politician could do and to do it on national television just shows the arrogance he holds. I realize that for the most part democrats work and think from an emotional view but at what points does your emotional view become so ridiculous that even a blind person could see what is being pulled over your eyes. Pull the wax out of your ears and removed the blinders and look at what you are seeing and hear what you are listening too. If you have any common sense (something most Democrats lack) you will see what is happening. Don’t continue looking at this with an emotion driven agenda.

An Unbelievable Whistleblower

This was written on 09/26/2019

Having just read the whistleblower complaint against President Trump I find the report troublesome for several reasons. 1. All through the report there are several mentions of multiple government personnel advising of these infractions but no reference to who they are and no reference as to where they work within the government offices.

2. The letter seems to be opinionated and not fact based. Without confirmed sources to substantiate the information it becomes opinion.

3. I also question the legitimacy of the writer himself. For so many people from so many areas to come to him to advise on the presidents phone conversations why wouldn’t he have already known what the content was? Why would that many people feel comfortable coming to him? Based in the way this letter was written referencing so many people coming forward to this one person would lead any prudent person to believe there is a “spy ring” in the White House to take President Trump down.

4. It bothers me that when POTUS has a conversation on the phone with Presidents of other countries that so many “seemingly” unimportant people would have so much supposed classified information in the contents of the call.

5. It is obvious that this letter was written after the call and probably after the text was read making it very easy for biases and untrue information to be inserted in this letter leading the reader to believe the entire call was President Trump urging Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to provide information to him for the sole purpose of destroying Joe Biden’s campaign.

Could this have been an intentional setup giving “just” enough accurate information to make the rest of the inaccurate information believable?

This brings to light an even more troubling thought. If this many people has access to private conversations of President Trump, how many spies are in the White House and how secure are the rest of America’s secrets?

America At Risk

What Political Party Do You Support

After several post regarding America At Risk, which up until now has focused on the actions of a society that has been led astray. I have talked about several “across the board” topics but now, I am going to be more pointed in this post. This time I am coming after you, who identify as Christian and Democrat. Reality says the two can’t exist together. I agree. When you look at what it means to be a Christian and what it is to be a democrat you should also agree that the two can’t exist together . Over the last few weeks I have had the opportunity to discuss Christianity and what it means to be a Christian with several people. It was during these talks that it struck me that a person can’t be a Christian and a Democrat. Let me clarify several areas before I explain my meaning. I find that people get confused with democratic ideals and democrat doctrine and Christine acts of kindness and giving. As I have said several times in earlier post people’s beliefs and convictions can and are being changed so subtly they don’t realize their foundational beliefs are no longer in line with Christian Biblical beliefs. As a society we have been so saturated with ways that are contrary to our Christian beliefs that over time we have come to accept them as normal. After continued exposure the journey to total acceptance becomes easier and the train to immortality speeds you into a state of reluctant return. A few examples of the conflict with Christianity and being Democrat are:

If you claim to be a Christian and vote democrat you are supporting homosexuality.

If you claim to be a Christian and vote democrat you are supporting same sex marriage.

If you claim to be a Christian and vote democrat you are supporting transgenderism.

If you claim to be a Christian and vote democrat you are supporting a party that feels it is okay for adolescent children to decide what sex they want to transgender to.

If you claim to be a Christian and vote democrat then you are supporting abortion.

All of these are against Biblical principals and the teaching of Gods word, the Bible.

You will obviously sit there and completely disagree with me by saying I don’t support or believe in any of the above examples. But you do. By voting the Democratic ticket you are unwittingly supporting all of the above plus other things that are definitely anti-Christian. The Democrat Party looks at the number of voters who vote their ticket and decide you support their agenda. They use those numbers and social programs as tools against your core beliefs by saying biblically we are doing the right thing. That in itself is a biblical untruth. The Democrat Party and especially the liberal socialist have gone full throttle in trying to destroy and remove all Christian beliefs from America and with your help they are accomplishing this task easily. The question is, are you going to continue supporting a party that so strongly stands against Biblical teaching and God Himself or are you going to take a stand for Christ, and America.